2022 conference AGENDA

The 2022 conference agenda focused on innovative strategy development for the improved use, recovery, and recycling of water in oil and gas production, and addressed issues sounding increased seismographic activity in the Permian Basin.

For the full 2022 Permian Basin Water In Energy Conference Agenda click here.


continuing Education credits

 The Permian Basin Water In Energy Conference was approved for 7 RL, RPL, or CPL recertification credits along with 1 Ethics credit, for a total of 8 CEUs by the AAPL.

Attendees will need to submit this affidavit of attendance to receive the credit.

Student poster competition

The PBWIEC included a student poster competition! The poster competition was open to undergraduate and graduate students. It was sponsored by Elevation Resources, with a total of $6,000 in scholarship prizes awarded to the competition winners. Poster applications were submitted by Friday, February 11, 2022. Students then brought their final poster presentations with them to the conference. Posters were judged by a panel on Wednesday, February 23. Winners were announced, and scholarship award checks presented, on the morning of Thursday, February 24.

Click here for the complete list of rules, awards, and application form.

2020 poster contest photo
2020 poster content winner